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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pictureless and Sorry

I am pictureless and sorry. Please forgive me Christy. But you all know what Jrew looks like - right? LOL I'll post a few more pics in a day or two. Nevertheless, I wanted to update you all.

This post is incorrectly titled and should be titled "Chicken Mama" b/c that's what I am. A chicken-mama (and a spit-mama). Thomas and I took Jrew on Thursday to the ENT. They decided to do a "frenotomy" where they clip the frenulum under the tongue. The doc said they would numb it with some "stuff" and Jrew wouldn't feel it at all. However, he might cry while they're holding him. I was squeamish at the thought. The nurse, who actually said Jrew might scream, suggested I wait in the lobby and offered the same invitation to Thomas. Thomas, trying to show how strong he is to Jrew, decided to stay. I, however, retreated and was comforted by a cold can of coke offered/suggested by the secretary. It was an agonizing twenty minute wait. I guess they had to gather the supplies and all. 

While waiting, a male patient who was leaving said to me "Your kid is popular back there. The nurses are fighting over who's going to hold him next." So, now all eyes are on me. How old is your child? What's he getting done? Awwww. Blah, blah, blah.

A nurse reappears with my baby boy in tote, but only to let me know they're still waiting on the doctor and she's just "comforting" Jrew. 

Finally... the nurse announces that I can return to my family. I entered the room expecting Thomas to be holding Jrew, but found the nurse holding him tightly while Thomas looked a bit sad. She immediately defended "I didn't let your husband have him yet, I just wanted to hold him. He cried the whole time I held his head and stopped crying immediately after I let go of him."

She did give in and let me have him back - while Thomas exclaimed I must hand him over so that Jrew "won't associate my voice with bad memories." So, daddy and baby cuddled for awhile as we waited on the doctor to dismiss us to take him home.

END RESULT: Jrew is eating extremely well and we hope he is gaining weight even faster than before. He used to never spit up and now he spits up after almost every meal. According to the secretary at the ENT, "he'll be eatin' like a little pig now". 

We're happy and blessed. Jrew is doing great and I'm still a chicken mama. I guess I gotta' get tough sooner or later... uhm....   I'll pick later.

1 comment:

dixie said...

glad thomas stayed and maybe I am a paranoid grandma but always make sure one parent stays with the child. I do not trust anyone to be normal and caring anymore. At least, you will be there to make sure he gets the best of care . Hard as it seems to be there you can then be the overseer. I was a chicken too. Jim stayed when Bo had his foot lanced.Auntie MJ