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Monday, September 22, 2008

6 Weeks and Counting

We had Jrew's 6 week check up today and have some wonderful news to share! He actually turned 6 weeks old on Friday and we went to church (me and him) for the first time since he was born! People were literally meeting us at the door in anticipation. Jrew was like a superstar and I was like his... chauffeur. :) So, here are the highlights from today's appointment.

1. Here is the scoop on Jrew's weight - 9 pounds even!!!!!! Wooohooo!  Just three weeks ago Jrew was still only 7 pounds 9 ounces. So, I was certain he would only be somewhere between 8 and 9 pounds. 

2. Jrew is in the 50th percentile for weight and height. Wonderful news since I was worried he would be much too small for his age.

3. Jrew has to go see an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist because he has something called a tongue-tie. We have known this since he was 3 days old when a lactation specialists found this as a possible culprit to the breastfeeding problems. Nevertheless, after many tough weeks, the doctor has referred us to someone who is very well known in the ENT world and will probably "snip" it. The GOOD news is that it won't hurt Jrew at all and will heal in about a week.

4. Jrew had his first vaccinations today. Well, sorta. He had his first TB vaccine while in the hospital and I wasn't in the room for that one. So, he had two more today. I was nervous he would cry a lot so I stuck Thomas with the responsibility and I hid in the hallway. LOL But Jrew was a tough little guy and only whimpered a little. However, it has made for a yucky day for him. He just doesn't feel well and has lingered between fussy and sleepy all day. Bless his little heart. Needless to say, he's getting lots of snuggle time with mommy!

5. Here are a few pics from tonight. Just so you have something to look at. :


1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I want to pinch those cheeks.