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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Confessions from a New Mom

So, I put Jrew on the changing table a few days ago (about to change a diaper) and did my usual kisses on the neck and tummy. As I leaned over him, I noticed a spot on his face. And so that's when it happened... 

I became a "Spit-Mama". 

Okay. I've said it. I couldn't help it. I didn't even think about what I was doing. I just had to see if that spot was removable or if he had scratched himself. Seriously, I froze in realization and therefore proclaimed that I would fight the urge to do that ever again. How could I become a "spit-mama"? And even more, what if I did that when he is older? He would surely loathe me dropping him off at school I'm sure. And as I pondered this post, I realized that Sarah Palin's little daughter doesn't have a chance - she's only six and she's destined to be a spit-mama - as seen here in this video.

So there it is, the first confession of a new mom and BTW - In case you still don't know what I mean, well - ask your mama.

1 comment:

Mary Beth Spann said...

Wait til he starts eating cereal...there's a whole new level of spit-mama-ing when dried oatmeal's in the picture.
Miss you guys!! More pics of Jrew!