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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rose Family Update...

The last 24 hours have been a very challenging time for the Rose family. But before I explain, let me at least tell you things are doing well now and you can go ahead and thank God for his continued blessings and miracles he is constantly pouring out.

On Saturday, we were told Jrew had a mild case of jaundice. However, the doctor said she wasn't too concerned and felt that as he began to eat better that he would begin to feel better as well. It had been a tough first two days trying to feed baby Jrew. Both mommy and baby are learning and sometimes it could be really stressful. Despite the difficulties, we were discharged on Sunday and were so relieved to be home. It felt wonderful and peaceful to be in a place where nurses weren't shuffling in and out checking blood pressure (for me) and teaching us about feeding, etc... The pediatrician did ask us to come in on Monday so she could check on the jaundice and the feeding as well.

Monday's appointment went pretty well at first and we were happy to report the feeding was becoming remarkably improved. The blood test results showed, however, that Jrew's "bili rubin" level was increased and the pediatrician was a little concerned. She called us around 7 pm and asked us to please check him in at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital so he could be treated with ultraviolet lights and monitored overnight. We were blessed to be able to stay with jrew and they actually gave us a huge room for both baby and family. We have beds to sleep in, showers, food, refrigerator, etc...

So, to fast forward tot he good news. Jrew's level was 17 on Monday afternoon. It was too high for a baby who is 3 days old and on Tuesday am it was 21, which is still too high for a 4 day old. Then, his noon blood tests showed his level had dropped to 18. HOORAY!!! and then his last blood test from 6 pm tonight showed his level had dropped to 14!!!!! So, to sum up the meaning of all these numbers, if the am goes well and his level is lower again, he will get to come out of the "light box" and then we will have to stay here for the 12 hours just 'hangin' out. They will check his levels again and if they stayed low we will be discharged to go home.

So, if you didn't know all of this yet, just praise God for some amazing blessings which include the feeding imrpovements that have been tremendous (to spare you boys the details). Continue to pray for God's healing on Jrew's little body and for me and Thomas as we continue to work hard at getting Jrew healthy. Pray for me as I continue to work hard at learning how to feed jrew, sleep, and take care of myself and maintian a sense of sanity. It has been so emotionally difficult as the doctors are measuring every drop of milk Jrew gets, how often, and every ounce (literally) he is able to peepee or poopy. :) It's funny to say this, but we celebrated a poopy diaper tonight because it means he is getting better! And forgive me for rambling, I am running on very little sleep and lots of pain medication. :) LOL

Thank you all for your love and support. Continue to pray, pray, pray, and Thank GOD for he has done GREAT things!

Dita (& Thomas & Jrew)


Chrissy said...

Hang in there, girl. These first few days are tough, and it sounds like you've been on such a roller coaster ride. This will get easier. Praying for you and giving thanks for how God is caring for y'all so far. Love you!

Ashley said...

YAY so glad to hear he is all better!

Dianna your Mom said...

Hi Dita:I hope you and the baby are doing fine he is so "CUTE" I wish I could be there to see him .You and Thomas look so happy.Hope to see you,LOVE ALL Three of you. Love you aways "YOUR MOM"