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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Baby Jrew Is Home!

Here are some candid shots of us bringing Jrew home today. We are so elated to be here at last. Baby Jrew is doing great. He has slept more than you or I in the last year combined! Nevertheless, he is slowly getting the hang of eating and we have changed plenty of wet and dirty diapers! He has a slight and minor case of jaundice and so we have our first pediatric appointment tomorrow at 2:30. I'm already agonizing over what outfit he will wear to his first outing. We'll post pics of that pretty soon I'm sure! For now, enjoy these.... and a grateful shout out to Jason and Rachel who not only took these pics, but helped mommy and daddy make the transition to home! We love you all and will make personal calls whenever we can.


marci said...

I'm so excited for you both. He is beautiful! You're going to love being a parent. (It gets even better when they sleep the night) ;0)

Ashley said...

you guys!!!! HE IS GORGEOUS! i can't wait to meet him. :) :) :) i was so excited to hear he came on 08-08-08 like you were hoping!!

Mary Beth Spann said...

We have been waiting on more pictures! He is such a cutie!!!
We love you and hope the doc appt went okay today!!

Charley and Maggie

dixie said...

I was in the theatre when you called friday night so I could not get the call but cindy, kelsy , amy and I listened to the message in the car after the movie.... we are sooooo excited for you. I hope you got our crazy , loud , message. He is just adorable...looks a lot like you , Thomas. When will you make a Charleston run????? We must hold him. Auntie MJ

Christie said...

Oh I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please post pictures of him daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He is too cute! Congratulations!!!