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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh boy!

Okay. No offense to those of you who have beautiful baby girls.... but I have noticed, since we found out we're having a boy, that many retail products are aimed at girls. I decided not to complain and have been enjoying all the wonderful baby things I have been receiving/finding in the stores. I decided tonight to start my search for a small, yet attractive, cd player that I can put in the baby's room. I was looking on Target's website and was scrolling through the audio section. To the left of the page I found a list of categories to help me narrow my search. However, sheer laughter has forced me to post this blurb at this moment b/c there it was - a category (apparently entitled to have its own category) .... "Pink Electronics".


The Roses said...

okay. I apologize. There is also a blue and white electronic category. Whoops!

The Stuckey's said... is amazing the differences for boys and girls especially in cloths. I was trying to find a Christmas outfit for Jack and there was nothing compared to what there is for little girls. But I guess when they get older they just wear kaki paints and polo shirts.

Cant wait for the littlest rose to arrive.

What are you guys naming him?

Love to you all,


The Roses said...

I guess that will save us money in the long-run. :)