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Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's A Boy!

Okay. So, we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday. My doctor was very insistent that we wait until the end of the 20th week because he "claims" that this ultasound is for medical reasons and not for me to simply find out the sex of the baby. :) I know he's right but in my mind it's all about what I want to know... right?

So... It is a boy. I will post a few pics here for you to see the sweet little buger. MB - Is that how you spell buger? You're the queen of Southern Spelling right?

This pic is the evidence. 100% boy. For those of you who are unaccustomed to seeing ultrasounds, this is a pic of his bottom from bottom up. So... he was proudly displaying his booty to the world.

Here is a pic of him hiding his face. We could not get him to turn his head so we could see his whole face. He loves putting his hands up to his face. We even saw him yawning at one point.

Here is a pic of my tummy. I swear it gets an inch bigger every day. This pic is rare and may possibly the only one of its kind.

So... that's all for now my friends. I just realized today that my mac doesn't allow me to upload pics to blogspot so I had to switch the pics over to my PC.. Annoying... so I will be posting pics of New York soon. Keep looking. :)

Dita, Thomas, and Baby Boy Rose.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore...

Okay. My first trimester was difficult and I did make nightly trips to the restrooom as well as downing another full glass of water before going back to sleep. But I hate getting up in the middle of the night. It messes up my whole routine. I can't go back to sleep and I just lay there with this Phobia that I will be wide-eyed for the remaining hours of darkness and fall asleep in the middle of teaching. So, lately I have been fighting... forcing myself to go back to sleep. However, the words of this song (by Chicago) came to me very strongly at about 5am last night. So I thought I'd share. I guess I'm losing the battle, so I have decided to forfeit.

Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

PS- The first two lines of the whole song are the most hilarious....

I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow

Monday, March 10, 2008

Missing pics

Okay. So, there will probably be few pics of my growing belly on this blog. Just in case you're wondering. I almost had the guts last night, but chickened out when I noticed the pic also showed dirty clothes hanging around in the background. Ha. Look for New York pics to come sometime after St. Patricks Day. Perhaps then you'll see a sneak of the "bump".

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Thoughts on Pregnancy So Far...

Okay. So I'm five months pregnant now. Thomas thinks I must be wrong, but that is what the book says... who can argue with the book. Also, I don't think he has actually grasped the fact the pregnancy is 40 weeks long, which can be also seen as ten months. It must have been a male doctor who decided to refer to it as 9 months because he certainly wouldn't understand. So, I am one week away from the halfway point. Hip, hip, hooray.

Speaking of hips, my hips and all the muscles that surround them are in a constant state of panic. I don't think they have completely grasped this pregnancy thing either. Forgive me for the whining, I know this is completely normal. That doesn't make it as fun as eating Krispy Kremes. Which my husband brought home a dozen of today. Sweet! He is surely a genius.

So, here are the pregnancy lessons I am learning:

1) It's getting difficult and uncomfortable to cross my arms across my stomach/chest. Thus, I am nearly resolved to do the traditional pregnancy sign - "rest your hands on the top of your tummy because there's nowhere else to rest them".

2) I also am having difficulty crossing my legs... and have also been ordered by my physical therapist to cease this destructive pattern of behavior as it leads to backpain. So, the lesson I am learning from this is I definitely see the need for a mobile recliner that should be given freely to all pregnant women in the world. It goes without saying that the husband must be the bearer of this need by carrying and accomodating the pregnant woman's desire to be comfortable.

3) I am in a sad, sad, state of whining and must stop immmediately. I have twenty weeks left and it's only going to get more "uncomfortable" from here.

4) I am now fully past the "I could eat a horse and still be hungry" stage. I think it should have ended along with the first trimester but has just recently began to turn into the "I only ate a little and there's no more room in there" stage. (Also a sad state to find myself in considering I'm only halfway there).

5) Names are very personal to people. Many people have offered names to us. As Thomas says... "we'll put it in the suggestion box" which means... well, you know.

Okay. That's my second blog. I'm pretty proud of myself for having the guts to do this. Although, right now, there is no one in cyber space reading this. Hmmm... wonder if I should keep it that way.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I have always thought I would never be a blogger. But with a baby Rose on the way, I thought I'd start one we can share with family and friends.

So, this blog is very short. But to get the ball rolling here is the latest news from the Rose household. We are expecting our first baby in August. We're very excited. We are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby two weeks from today! Of course, I'll blog about that when we get there.

In other news, this weekend will prove to be very busy for the Roses. We may hardly see each other at all. An old friend has come to visit from Dallas. I have scheduled myself out to many social functions this weekend which will prove to be very fun, I hope.

I am starting to show and that makes me very happy. I am in my fifth month. I am also feeling the baby move around alot and that has been wonderful. It's still amazing to think about this little life God has created and is creating inside. We are very blessed and are excited to hold Baby Rose. (or as Gary calls the baby "Little Rose") We can have an entire separate blog on the term Little as many individuals have opinions on how big this baby is going to get. :)

That's all. My first blog. No pics. sorry.