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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You are LOVED!

Me. “Jrew, you get to go to school tomorrow.”

Jrew. “I don’t want to go to school. I don’t like school.”

Me. “Why?”

Jrew. “I’m afraid M will be mad at me.”

Minutes later. “M and E said they were not my friends.”

Me. “Is there someone in your class who can be your friend?”

Jrew. “No. Everyone was mad at me. While everyone was sleeping, while they were snoring, I went to the “other” class. Mrs. Boo and Mrs. Liz said “You will not go in another class. but I didn’t listen. I didn’t want to listen. I went to a different class. They will figure out which way I went. So they kept looking.”

Me. “Is this a true story?”

Jrew. “no... yes. I ran out the class. I goin’ out of it.”

Me. “Did you go to time-out?”

Jrew. “Yes. since teachers put you in time out.”

Fast forward again.

Jrew. “Everyone was mad at me. They were all mad at me.”

Me. “Jrew, is there anyone who is your friend?”

Jrew. “Yes, Eli is my friend. He doesn’t get mad at me.”

Much of this conversation hasn’t been included for the simple fact that he said so much in a short 15 minutes and I cannot remember it all. He baffles me with his understanding and vocabulary. Seriously. I seriously cannot believe that Jrew is having this conversation with me. He’s only 3 years and 7 months. What?! Girls are already stirring up drama and Jrew is planting himself right in the middle. More importantly, does he really think everyone is mad at him? I really don’t want him to grow up with the same self-confidence issues I grew up with. Doesn’t he know how awesome he is?! Doesn’t he realize how blessed we all are to have him and how God has amazing things in store for him. It’s up to me to teach him. NOW. Not when he’s 13, but when he’s 3. I am so thankful that God gives me this special time with him now. So thankful that he confides these things in me and I hope he will always feels like he can tell me the truth.

1 comment:

Mary Beth Spann said...

Maybe not the same Eli, but my Eli does love him! :)