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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Walking, Talking, and Using Keys

So, Jrew is officially a walker. I should've posted this like a week ago, but it took me awhile. Sorry, I'm a little slow. So, I've put three fun memories into one video.

Clip 1: Jrew walking into my messy kitchen and back into the living room. (The lighting turned down so it may look a little weird in spots).

Clip 2: Daddy and Me introducing Jrew to a slide. He wasn't too sure about that and ended up just hating it altogether. Even though daddy never took his hands off of him and mommy was standing right there too. Oh well, better luck another day.

Clip 3: Jrew has somehow figured out what a key is meant for. He plays with our keys all the time, but this time he decided to try them out on the door. Hilarious.. I have no idea how he knew to do that. But, he did first when I was at work and then again when I was home last night. Love my baby!!!!!

The video is too large, so again.. it is a link to You Tube. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Jrew's Movie Debut

I started back to work last week and we have been in inservice meetings just about every single hour of the day. So, in preparation for Monday's meetings, the administration assigned each of us a topic to give a small presentation on Monday morning. My assignment: how our counselor teaches character education to our students along. How he teaches: he helps the kids make videos of skits they have made up that teach the current topic such as Being Responsible, etc.. So, with Thomas and Jrew's help, we created the following video. :) Enjoy! Following the short movie you will see a short video of Jrew walking!!!! Hopefully.

Here is a link to the video since it was too large to upload here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Psalm 56 -"God, you did everything you promised, and I'm thanking you with all my heart."

Yes. God did everything he promised in Matthew 6:30. He has provided food, shelter, safety, love, clothes, etc... for my family. He really has blessed us with everything we need. My problem today is this: do I need to be thankful for everything really? What happens if today I am not thankful for something. Something that helps provide for my family yet pulls me from my time with Jrew at the same time. In a day when many people are in search of a good job that will provide for their families, I should be thankful. I teach in a wonderful school, with amazing people! I should be happy right?

Honestly, as I pour out my little heart right now, I am having a hard time saying thanks for all of that. It was a tough day in my heart. The reason? It was just a busy day... filled with many good things for me too. A good day at work with my colleagues, a sweet visit with my friend Deanna as she helped me set up bulletin boards, and a night of worship with some awesome kids we have been privileged to work with at camp. However, the one good thing I missed out on today was meaningful time with my firstborn. I saw him, hugged him, loved on him, and ate dinner with him. Yet, I still had a very hard time letting go of him tonight as I lay him down to sleep. I think he felt the same way. So, we just rocked... for a long time. My sweet darling.

So, right now, I am praying for God to help me be thankful for today; for my job; for the amazing and talented teachers I work with; for the fact that my job is something I love to do; and for the fact that my son was safe with his father today. (who also had a long exhausting day). I must not feel sorry for myself, but instead see and know how much God has truly blessed me. I am thankful. I just needed to remind myself. I also do not want you to pity or feel sorry for me. I think I am doing exactly what God has for me to do right now. I am thankful for that.

"He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." Psalm 50:23

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Baby Girl Rose and a 1 year check up

Here are some pics of Baby Girl Rose. We do not have a name picked out yet, so you'll have to wait. In fact, you may have to wait until she's here before we burst that bubble. But I promise, we don't have a name yet. :)

Here are some pics of the baby girl. I drew in labels in case you have a hard time making out her little face and all. It is such a blessing that our doctor actually gives us 3-D pictures without charging extra!!


Jrew had his 1 year check up yesterday. It went very well, except for the 5 minutes he cried (screamed) because he had to get two shots! Otherwise: Here are his measurements this far.

Weight: 22 pounds! (technically, 21 3/4)
Length: 29 inches

Here a few pics of him eating oatmeal for breakfast this morning... we're learning how to use a spoon! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Birthday Bash - I mean parties!

Jrew is turning 1 in less than 14 hours now. This is unreal. Anyway, we had a celebration in Nashville last week with friends and a few short celebrations with our families this weekend. Here are some pictures to enjoy! :) BY THE WAY: Jrew is a walker now. Walking at least 10 steps tonight before falling down. :) Fun!

A quick note about the birthday cake! My sweet and darling friends Chrissy and Christy are both known for their birthday magic. From inventive games and decorations to amazing birthday cakes. So, I felt a little bit of a challenge rising up within me to create a homemade cake for Jrew. So, after pondering the plan for quite a few weeks, combined with many many hours of standing and rolling fondant... I was able to manage a square... to resemble a Building Block. Wow. I don't know about this next time. He may be getting the Publix special. :)

This small one looks bigger than it really was....
it was actually sitting on a square saucer.
Nevertheless, Jrew enjoyed at least some of it once
he figured out it was edible.

Another new thing: Learning
how to open presents.
He had lots of help!

We stripped him down and let him finger paint on the front porch.
I need to get a picture of the finished artwork
and I promise I'll try to remember to post that.

This is us with Thomas' father and mother.
Jrew is defnitely going to be spoiled
if we don't come home soon!!!!
And alas, another birthday cake with the family.
Sitting to my left is Baby Cousin Charlie,
Aunt Frenchie, and Aunt Mary Beth (Don't kill me MB).