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Monday, November 3, 2008

First Day Back

To start off today... Jrew played in his bouncy seat while I ate breakfast. He kicked his shoe off for the first time ever and I think that is hilarious. Okay, so I obsess over every single little thing. That's what mommy's do! :)

Jrew had a great morning! I checked on him by phone at 9:00 and then I walked over to see him at 12:00. I also went over at 1:30 to feed him. Oh. For those of you who do not know, the Child Development Center is located just one building away from mine on my school's campus. It is so nice that he is so close. 

Also: Jrew did cry this afternoon, but they said they fed him an "extra" bottle and he was very happy. He had a great remainder of the day!!!

So, the question is: How did MOM do today? I did fine. I didn't cry all day until I picked him up and realized he had cried earlier. BUMMER.

However, today at lunch my long-term sub mentioned to the students that I had just had a baby. (Reminder: I teach 5th Grade) One student, M- (you never know who's reading blogs... lol), peaked under the table to look at my tummy. He said..."Yeah. There's still a little fat down there."

Completely mortified, I didn't really respond. Clearly he didn't need a response because he continued... "That's what it does you know. It always leaves a little bit of fat after the baby squeezes out." I just lost it... I busted out laughing. The other teacher laughed and then she reminded him that we were teachers so we understand the slip up. However, that he should not say these sort of things to people because it is considered rude.

A little later, (oh yeah... he wasn't finished), he said..."You know Mrs. Rose, when we go outside [for recess], you should just swing a little, you know, relax. You know, I got a little fat down there too. It kinda' bothers me a little. I'm a little sensitive about that."

AND THEN at recess, the same student tried to pull me aside to tell me very discreetly: "You know... I know a brand of diapers you should use." [Long pause while M- tells another student to stop listening in on our private conversation] 

"Pampers Cruisers. Because they help the baby learn how to walk."

Boy oh boy... I can't wait until Day #2!

1 comment:

Lisa King said...

I'm glad you had a good day!!! That is hilarious about that student. Gotta love em - they say the funniest things. I hope you have a great week!!!