Anyway, if you know the person who designs parking lots, please ask them why they don't create your "Park here if you have a tiny baby in your car" spaces. And why aren't there parking lot police who can arrest those idiots who surge through the pedestrian walk way in front of the store - even though they saw you pushing a buggy with a baby + car seat all loaded up and it's raining outside. AND - why isn't there a nice man standing at the entrance of every Target and Walmart offering to valet park your car for free? And finally, why does it matter if I walk into the store on the OUT side of the IN side. Why can't I just enter the store on the blessed door that is closest to my parked car. One more thing, why doesn't every Wal-Mart and Target offer a nursing mothers room. All you have to do is offer a clean room with a door and a chair of some sort. In fact, shouldn't this be a norm at every mall too?
And now for some cute pictures: Jrew "made" a cute little reindeer with his little hands and feet in daycare yesterday. Here are a few pics of it.
Here is a picture of another baby's reindeer (Top left)
compared to Jrew's tiny one. :) He's one of the youngest babies in the class.

Here is Jrew's up close!

Here is the swet trea outside their classroom! :)