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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here are some pics of Jrew's first ride on the carousel. My friend Megan took pics and she posted them on Facebook as well. However, some of you may not have seen them on Facebook. (like you mama)
So here they are: I love the sparkle and wonder in his eye. I don't think I'm even making up that part either. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Smile

More pics are coming... here is one from today! We printed it on a homemade card for daddy and traced Baby Jrew's hand. Rephrase: We traced Baby Jrew's wiggly hand. Enjoy! My baby is growing up soooo fast.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Did you know...

* Jrew is very adept at pulling up and is beginning to try out cruising.
* Jrew is now saying "Dada", "Mama", "Hey" (sometimes), and "Ba Ba" (no meaning yet)
*Jrew is feeding himself a lot of finger foods including ham, cheese, and fruit.
* Jrew is going to be 10 months old in 3 days!
* Jrew is going to be a BIG BROTHER this December!!!!
Yes. You read that right. Surprise! We are so excited. We are due December 12, 2009. I am officially 13 weeks along tomorrow and OUT of my first trimester. CRAZY. I have had a wonderful experience so far. I'm obviously tired all of the time, but school is out for the summer now, so that should get better.
And just in case you're wondering... Yes, we did tell Jrew the good news too so he can be prepared.

Love to you all! :) A pic of our unborn sweetie to come soon! (When mama gets around to scanning it.)