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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Growing Up!

Jrew is growing up faster than my eyes can take in. I am so happy to see him learning so much. He has learned so many words, although he uses them selectively. He has recently started to use some words more often than before such as Bye-Bye, Ball, Hello, Down, an attempt at Balloon, etc... He sometimes tries to imitate what we have said even if it doesn't come out as clear.

I've been trying to tell him to touch my belly and I say Baby. He will pat my tummy but I thought there was no way he was able to understand what I was saying... UNTIL he brought me a book to read to him at bedtime the other night. I was, like usual, reading part of it while he turned the pages way too fast. He stopped at a picture of a baby in a crib and pointed at the baby. He said something like bobo and pointed at the baby in the picture. THEN he turned around and pointed to my belly. I can't believe he did that... He's going to definitely be a great little brother. I am not worried one bit.

He also likes to climb. Climb everything. He climbs inside things, on things, and over things. He's definitely a stinker. Here are some rough pics from my phone where he climbed into a couple of things.

Here he is in the laundry. I was folding and
didn't even realize he had crawled inside the basket
until my clothes were being flung everywhere.

Here he is sitting in a small storage box that
holds his wooden train set that our dear friends
Aimee and Keith gave him. He doesn't quite know how to use it,
but he LOVES playing with the pieces. He especially loves the trains
because he can roll them on the floor.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I'll be sure to post more pics soon. Baby girl will soon be here! :)

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