It is long overdue that I update family and friends on our sweet children that are growing up so very fast. Jrew said tonight that he didn't want a "baby spoon" because "I'm not a baby anymore." So, we traded out his spoon for a metal one.
Jrew is 3 now and of course, I think he's one of the smartest kids I know. He loves to play the drums and has a full set (kid sized). He loves it and can name every single drum. He is always tweaking his set up, moving a drum up or down to fit his "style". He will play for a long time and loves to play with me on the piano. He truly has some talent because he has picked up so many different rhythms and styles. It's such a blessing to hear him playing and we are considering starting him with official drum lessons soon.
Thomas has a flashcard app on his phone that he was letting Jrew play with. The app shows 4 pictures and a voice asks for you to press the picture for a specific object. Surprisingly, even with words Jrew had never heard before, he was able to deductively reason which picture to select. For example, Jrew saw several pictures of planes and the app asked him to select the hang-glider. Jrew looked at the pics for a few seconds and without hesitation, selected the picture of a man on a hang-glider. WHAT???
He also wrote a song. :) It says "Go away, go away. Don't climb on a tree 'cause it's dangerous"
So, it took me a day or two to figure out why he chose those word until I remember. Basically, a few weeks ago I was working on a new song that sort of talks about getting out of a situation that is dangerous or sinful, or whatever and how it is urgent to get out of those kind of situations quickly. In the song, I referred to getting out, walls are on fire, etc.. THEN IT HIT ME - he was writing a song that said basically the same thing. Don't do something that is dangerous. Go away, go away when I said Get out, get out. How does a 3 year old even know how to parallel a song like that. AMAZING!
Jazzy is just as cute as ever. She is getting so big. She talks all the time. She says many complete sentences and can usually tell me if she's hurt or something. She is absolutely NOT AFRAID of anything. She climbs on everything. Her preschool teacher said that she would climb up on this netting type thing on the playground, but would get "stuck" at the top. Afraid to climb over onto the other piece of equipment, she would freeze. She didn't cry or call out though. Usually, a bigger kid would see her and tell the teacher that Jazzy was stuck. The teacher would say "Jazzy, are you stuck" Jazzy would quietly say "tuck, tuck". Then the teacher would say, "Do you need help" Jazzy would say "Hep, hep". So, this happened (apparently) alot. The teacher did say it was a good thing I didn't see her doing this because it would make me too nervous. After a few weeks of this, Jazzy finally started to climb over to the other piece and the kids and teachers all noticed. They all started cheering "Go Jazzy! Go Jazzy!" and she did it. She made it to the other side (whatever that is). Whew! Good thing I didn't see her. I would have yanked her down from there so fast.... just kidding.
Jazzy's hair is so different from Jrews. Her is also very curly but somewhat more relaxed and very soft. She used to hate for me to fix her hair, but now she's getting used to it and loves it when I put it up in pig-tails. She also asked me for a dress the other day. She basically said "I want dress.." over and over until I got her ready for church in a dress. (Sshh.. don't tell her but we are buying her dress-up clothes and purses for her birthday). At this rate, Jrew may read this blog to her and spoil the whole thing. LOL
Jazzy is also counting to 10. If I start counting with her, she usually bulldozes ahead of me with the numbers!! Jrew is also counting to 20. More recently, I have worked with Jrew on concepts like which plate of cookie has the most & which item is the biggest. He picks up skills so fast! We are also working on identifying digits 0-10. He has many of them down already. He knows just about every single letter of the alphabet. He still has some trouble with K, I think. He can spell his name on the fridge using magnets!! and we are working on rhyming. Can you tell I'm a teacher? :)
Funny quotes:
#1 (This one may be a little personal.. hope Jrew doesn't kill me one day) While going potty, Jrew said "Mommy, a big, big coconut tree came out in the potty and", making his eyes wide, "I was so scared."
#2 Jrew asked me if he could touch me. I was like "Um, yeah." He started stroking my shoulder and said "Mommy, you're actually pretty."
#3 While listening to the radio in the car, Jrew said "Nice music, mommy!"
#4 Tonight, the Kroger cashier gave him a sticker. He said "Wow. That was so nice of her." She laughed and said she was so happy to hear someone saying something so polite to her.
#5 Jazzy is starting to sing with her songs in the car and is actually matching the pitch! She loves to talk on the phone. And she's not biased as to what kind of phone she talks on.. she talks on banana phones, brush phones, hand phones, book phones, and anything else she can put up to her ear. She also loves to talk to people. Tonight, she leaned over the booth in a restaurant to talk to the family behind us. She spared not personal space as she leaned in close to the 10 years old boy behind us. He loved the attention and she did too. So funny.
Strangers: Several months ago, Jrew saw a lady nearby that he did not recognized. I think she came near us for some reason or walked by.. he said "She scares me." I was nervous that she heard him and I wasn't quite sure what to say. So, I said "She's not scary. She's just a stranger. A stranger is someone you don't know." Of course, this conversation has been repeated many, many times in the past few months. He most often thinks that men with bears are strangers and sometimes gets so scared he cries. One time, he just froze in place and started crying hysterically. I swear to you, he was frozen with fear. I finally got him into my lap to calm him down and figure out what was wrong. Well, a father who was playing with his kids at the next table, saw Jrew watching and smiled. Jrew did not think that was friendly. I don't necessarily want him to be okay with strangers smiling at him, etc... but I also don't want him to have such a scary experience just because someone smiles at him or walks by him. We have reiterated over and over that he is with mommy and daddy and we will keep him safe.
Here are a few clips of Jrew and Jazzy "playing" guitar and putting on a show for me and my friend Aimee. I had to upload them in a few separate clips to make it work.