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Monday, August 9, 2010

Jazz: 8 months going on teenager...

Jazz is now 8 months old and it's about high time I write a blog all about her and her "awesomeness"! She is truly a sweet darling and I officially named her my sugar bug. I absolutely love holding her, kissing her sweet face, and seeing her light up. Here are some funny and amazing things about her personality and tricks! :)

Jazz has done everything early. She was rolling over both ways by 4 months, sitting up at 5 months, crawling at 6 months, pulling up at 7 months, and now she's starting to cruise around the ottoman in the living room! Unbelievable is what she is! She definitely aims to keep up with Big Brother Jrew - crawling from one room to the other in order to be with him. She also follows me from room to room just because she likes company. :)

She has recently started making this growling sound while smiling, and it is quite funny. When Thomas makes the same sound to her, she jumps every single time: it startles her.

Jazz is a very good napper and very good sleeper. She goes to sleep for the most part on her own. I just give her a paci & blanket and she is good to go. However, if she hears noises like Jrew playing or me talking, she's more inclined to stand up in her crib and play. She is so good at going to sleep on her own it's shocking. Jrew was not like that. He wanted to be held nonstop. She is a busy body and cannot sit still. She'd rather roll around in her crib until she's asleep than for me to restrict her. So when I do get to hold her when she is sleeping, I cherish it and kiss her every second. Those are some of the sweetest moments of my life!

So here are some pics of Jazz and her beautiful face. I would also like to point out that her hair has been curly since 4 months although Jrew's hair didn't start curling up until 8 months or so. Her hair has even grown so much in the past few months that I am starting to fret over how thick it's going to be. :) If I put her hair up in a pony tail, it makes one tiny thick curl - which Thomas said made her look like a sumo-wrestler. Funny, it was half-true. But my baby is not a sumo-wrestler - she's a princess. AND Jrew has started calling her that. He will say "Hey Princess" in a sweet high-pitched voice: just like mommy!

Wait no more! Here are some sweet photos of Jazz over the past 3 months!
Jrew - "You too would look mean to if you were stuck in a stroller in 100 degree heat." Jazz - Isn't she gorgeous?

Straight chillin' like her daddy. She's already learning to be gangsta'

There's that sly grin I see so often. Such a ham.

My sister Amanda graduated high school. We had a good time watching the ceremony from outside the fenced football field b/c we got there on time but I stayed a few extra minutes to feed Jazz in the car. They ultimately locked the gates and refused to let anyone in! Again, it was an outdoor ceremony!!! That is why Jazz look unhappy I assure you.

These two are so close. They are constantly rolling around on the floor wrestling each other. I mean, hugging each other. :)