It has been some busy days since I started back to work. It's unbelievable how quickly the kids are growing. Both of them are doing new things every day. I just want to do nothing but hold them, kiss them, and squeeze them when I get home from work. I love it. Jrew always greets me with the sweetest of smiles and usually with two or three new words. Jazzy is ready to eat when I walk through the door and simply must have her way. The Lord has blessed us indeed.
Jrew can now say so many words it would be crazy to mention them all. But, he is also starting to say phrases sometimes. A few days ago he wanted something I had and I put it away - he begged me to have it and said "I ona hold it". It wasn't quite so defined but that is exactly what he said, TWICE. Of course I didn't let him hold it because I believe it was a pair of nail scissors. He laughs all the time and truly thinks he was born to ENTERTAIN. Of course he was. That is what he does 24/7 - Scratch that - 23.5/7. He does spend some of his time throwing temper tantrums when I a) don't let him stay in the laundry room without me b) make him leave the bathroom and close the door c) close the refrigerator door without letting him play in there and a host of other reasons.
The newest words to make their appearance in Jrew's vocabulary have come from overhearing me and Thomas. UT-OH. As Thomas said, "I can't believe we're in the spelling stages now." We have definitely go to watch what we say. Now you know us very well probably, and we do not use fowl language. But words that seem harmless to us certainly do not belong in Jrew's world of language. He recently picked up "Oh shoot" and "Oh my goodness". I must admit it is very funny to hear him. He also says "love you" and "night-night".
Jrew is also sleeping in his big boy bed now. We have officially been doing this for about 2 1/2 weeks now!!!!
Jazz is a sweetheart. She is doing so well holding up her head, she started sitting up in the bumbo this week. If you don't know, a bumbo is a small chair for infants that basically wraps around their little body and legs to help teach them how to sit up. She does so well in it, I just can't believe it. She's doing this probably a whole month sooner than I would've expected. She is growing out of the crying incessantly stage and is becoming very alert and aware of her surroundings. She is starting to notice Jrew and he is loving it. He leans down and says "Jazz". He talks to her all the time. Tonight, he and I were trying to teach her how to laugh... That was so much fun.
Jazz is nursing well. She had a very difficult time taking the bottle when I first went back to work but is doing fine now. One day I thought I would have a fit because she had only drank 2 ounces of milk the entire day! She's up to normal now. Drinking between 4-5 ounces each feeding! I can't believe she's outgrowing clothes like a weed. She is starting to wear some of her new and hand me down clothes in the closet. What a cutie. She smiles all the time now and I can't wait for her to pick up giggling.
I must go to bed now. I will try to update more often and with more pictures. We are making plans to go to a local park this week "Dinosaur Park". I've been told to bring my camera and Jrew will love it. So, look for that post soon! It has been a bit tough lately but we are so blessed beyond words. We are so thankful God is faithful each day and his provisions are neverending.
Let's just compare: This is Jrew at 12 weeks above and Jazz at 12 weeks below. They are definitely brother and sister. But she is definitely a princess! :)