I love him so much. Unbelievable. 2 or 3 years ago, I might have said I understood the love between a parent and their child... or even a mother and her child. Yet, I had no clue to how much love one can hold in their heart. I pray for God to protect him 24 hours a day, 1440 minutes each day, 86,400 seconds a day! I pray that he will grow up in the knowledge of God and will love people like Jesus did when he walked this earth. I am so richly blessed.
As baby girl makes her way into this world in 8 weeks, I know that God is preparing Jrew to be a sweet brother filled with love for her. He loves the babies at daycare, can't get enough hugs, and can't give out enough kisses... complete with the "MMMM-AHHH" sound. Such sweet kisses.
So, here below I have jotted a few things Jrew has been up to. I hope you enjoy reading about this inquisitive and amazing little boy.
* Earlier this week, I went to pick up Jrew from the CDC (Child Development Center). The teachers all but said he was a genius. Well, in their words they did say "He's a thinker" and that he was always impressing them with what he was doing. On this particular day, Jrew had three little ducks in his hands, along with the lid to a shape box. The lid had four holes in it and Jrew had placed each duck in his own little hole. He would pick them all up again and put them back again. As a teacher I think: "One to one correspondence!" That's a Kindergarten skill. Heehee.
* Jrew found my computer cable the other day on the couch rolled up. He decided to carry it around the living room with him and took it over to the electrical outlet. Even though he tried very stubbornly to get (correct end of the cord I must say) the cable plugged into the wall, he realized it was plugged up already with safety plugs. He proceeded to begin picking at it with his finger on the side and was desperately and smartly trying to get it unplugged from the wall. I stopped him but who knows how long it may have taken him before he would have had that safety plug out. Seriously.
* Jrew can now point to his nose and eyes. I ask him to show me where his nose is and he points to his nose, then goes directly to the eyes. So cute... he squeezes his eyes closed as he point to them with his finger.
* Jrew has a little fake cough he likes to try out every so often. He kind of clears his throat with a purposeful "eh-eh-eh". I smile and say "stop that faking" and he just laughs.
* He is a track runner people. He can run so fast. However, he is like a kid on roller skates because he doesn't always know how to stop with grace. He also thinks it's funny to bump his head on things... gently but then laughs for the smiles.
* He does not take a pacifier or even suck his thumb. He did this all on his own about 2 1/2 months ago. He just quit taking a pacifier and that was the end of that. I couldn't find one now if my life depended on it.
* Jrew will often pick out a book for us to read to him and bring it to us. Then, when you are reading it to him, he will point to each picture, animal, etc... in the scene and wait for you to tell him what it is. He quickly points to something new and waits again for the name.
* He hardly says any real words, although he will sometimes say words for a few days at a time and then chunk them out the window. I guess he's not interested. So, instead he babbles nonstop. He will even respond to questions with babble, and pretend to talk on the phone with babble. He can say hello but only if he playing "phone". Otherwise, you can forget it. He waves to people he really connects with, but never to strangers. Weird... he just will not wave. He will HOWEVER, blow a kiss to just about anyone.
* He is an imitator. He has a toy with a handle on top and when you push the handle, it plays music. Thomas was trying to get Jrew to come to the toy and play with it. Instead of leaning down, Thomas just pushed on it with his foot a few times. Jrew came quickly and immediately tried pushing the toy handle with his foot too. My, my, my.
* Jrew sleeps really well at night (for the most part) and goes to sleep pretty well. He had a rough week about 3 weeks ago, but now he goes to sleep without almost any rocking and no music.
* I'm out of energy. I'll think of more stories to share soon. I promise.
PS - Quick update on baby girl... I am 32 weeks measuring 29 as of a week ago. I go every two weeks to the doctor now. She is moving around so much, I think she must be a little stinker. I have had some different discomforts with her that I didn't have with Jrew. But, that's alright. She's worth it all.